Saturday, November 10, 2007

Bob and Jack's 52-Year Adventure at LIGLFF

At FilmOut in San Diego earlier this year

Saturday evening Bob and Jack's 52-Year Adventure, our life-story together and how we made it this far, will be at the Long Island Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. I hope you like it and that you'll let Jack and I know what you think of it all.
We really need reviews on our page too because... we just released the DVD!
I'm sorry that we couldn't make it to Long Island or to Bern, Switzerland. It's so difficult for anyone to travel at the moment much less two men in their eighties. We are doing just fine though. Happy and in good health. We just celebrated Jack's 84th birthday last week.

Some of my favorite pictures: Jack a few years ago...and many years ago!

If you'd like to learn more about us, Jack and I did a wonderful Q&A session here in LA that's on the DVD. I just played it again a few days ago and didn't realize that one of the extras is the anti-gay film "Boys Beware". Amazing!



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