Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hate filled comment from AOL article on Bob and Jack


01:19 PMMar 08 2009

I hope aol goes completely bankrupt and crashes and burns and whoever was over putting this abomination of an article in the headlines trying to make an abomination of a sin look totaly normal,it is a sickness a sin,an abomination the bible calls it,all queers will burn in hell,I hope they burn in hell for this stuff,I will fight the queers with my last breath,they will not parade their sickness around my family .where has the decentness went from peoples heads.

AOL Comments on Bob and Jack article:

12:13 PMMar 07 2009

To all you bashers, I guarantee if these two men who served our nation were saving your pathetic lives, you'd think twice about calling them names. My own opinion of gay marriage and gay rights has nothing to do with this. How dare you bash others who have different ways of life than you. I guarantee you would never have the nerve to say this to their faces. You are all so brave to bash, go to a gay pride parade and say what you say here, I'd laugh to see you get beaten like a baby seal.

12:17 PMMar 07 2009

Why is this page one news on AOL? There must be more pressing stories that deserve page one status. I have officially changed my home page....... Good bye AOL.

12:18 PMMar 07 2009

People do care what is going on with Gay couples. AOL informs there readers of what is going on in our society. So there is a point in this article. And I think it is sad. Because, yeah, when one of them pass away, the other won't inherit what the decease one had gain.

12:18 PMMar 07 2009

Boo, hoo, hoo............

Saturday, March 7, 2009

AOL News feature includes old pics of Bob and Jack

Bob Claunch and Jack Reavley who told of their struggle to stay together as a gay couple for more than half a century in the award-winning documentary, Bob and Jack's 52-Year Adventure, are featured in Saturday morning's national news section of AOL. The article includes several compelling photos of the couple in their early days and allows readers to comment on the right of LGBT people to marry.

Link to article

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bob and Jack featured in LA Times

On the day the California Supreme Court hears arguments on Proposition 8, I am proud to have the subjects of our documentary, Bob and Jack's 52-Year Adventure, featured in the Los Angeles Times about the longevity of their relationship.
Bob Claunch and Jack Reavley are doing their part in this decisive battle on gay marriage by being out and open and honest.

Thanks guys for your friendship and your example,

-Stu Maddux, Director

Link to Article