We have gotten some of the most wonderful letters yet since our screening in North Carolina. They have made me feel so much better after the Marine who threatened to 'cut my balls off' (see below)) and showed how very thoughtful and intelligent people there really are.
I want to share a few examples over the next few days but I'll take out their names. By the way, you can hear the NPR interview that led to many of these letters
Greetings to Jack & Bob,
I am a straight, single woman who works with many of the Gay & Lesbian community in my job for a wonderful organization called Replacements Ltd., in Greensboro North Carolina.
I listened to your interview on the NC Public Radio, August 23, 2007, around noon. I was immediately caught up in your story, your voices, your courage to be true to yourselves and to each other. You have a very important story to tell. Each of us has a story to tell. When Bob I believe said they were leaving to go to Washington and he went to say goodbye to his Mother and he said Mother please pray for us, and she said to him pray for yourself. It took my breath away. I was so glad to hear he had reconciled with her before she passed.
I have a father who has abondoned me, and so did his family, I loved a man for 12 years who was killed by a drunk driver and could never bring himself to be faithful or committed to me, and I gave up a pregnancy because of his selfishness. And somewhere along the line, I don't know that I've ever been true to myself, during this short life. So I want you to know how lucky you are to have each other, and how important it is to tell it to those who will listen and share in the beauty that this life has to offer.
You are an inspiration and you are special human beings in my book. I just want you to know that you are making a difference in peoples lives not just the Gay and Lesbian community. For it is when we are true to ourselves, that then we can share our gifts and our essence of who we are with the world, and isn't that why we are all here?
If never we meet, consider us this........Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for some thereby have met Angels unawares. Hebrews 13.2
Peace Be With You Your Friend in Reids-Vegas